Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cookie Constellation

Today Jack and I decided to make Chocolate chip cookies. Originally Jack wanted to help really bad but when it came right down to it, he really just wanted me to do it all (which is fine with me) Having the help of a five year old makes any task much more difficult. He was however totally insistent that he be the one to actually place the cookie dough on the cookie sheet because as he put it, he wanted to "make a rhino" .

He carefully placed each ball of dough in what seemed to me to be a completely random pattern that I couldn't wait to rearrange once he wasn't looking. When he was done he said "there... a rhino." He was clearly very pleased with his work and walked away.

I almost started rearranging when I realized that I recognize the pattern. Its Orion! the constellation of stars! He was calling Orion, "Orino".

I was so impressed that he even knew about the constellation Orion and that he got the pattern pretty darn accurate. I took a picture of his Astronomical creation.

Later I had to look up Orion on the internet to see how far off he was. Here is the result:

I was AMAZED! I have said before that everyone thinks their kid is smart, but dang... This has to go beyond my motherly admiration. Unless of course, he was actually trying to create a Rhino after all, in which case, he probably needs special ed.


Scrap Happy said...

Your kid is a genius.

Stephanie said...

Freaking genius!!!! Like mother like son.

Anonymous said...

Jack 1, Other kids 0.

Great job Jack!

Brittney said...

does he know about stars and constellations? thats amazing that he would even think to arrange the cookies in such an order! smart boy!

keep calm and carry on said...

i'm thinking genius as well.
also, there are some AWESOME photos in your new slideshow! i want to know about the bathtub pics. The coloring and feel of those pics are great!

Tami said...

OMGosh I love it! ya never know which way it's gonna go...! = )

Courtney said...

Hey Staci...Nick's sister Courtney here...your boys are cute and I am in love with reading your blog. You are quite possibly one of the funniest people ever! I am happy I get to see your updates and that life is so fun!

Tara said...

HOLY CRAP! That's all I have to say about that.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that Jack and I were looking at stars about a week before this post and that's when I pointed Orion out to him. He has an amazing memory. He is a blast to have as a son!!!!


Alexandria said...

Yep, chalk that one up in the brilliant catagory. What a cool little kid!

Cheryl said...

I know I'm the aunt, but seriously what kid can do that? Take it from a mother of four, not very many!

Dani said...

So cute! He is a little smarty pants!

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