I have alwyas thought that there is nothing cuter than a one-year-old in the whole world. They don't have the two year old attitude yet but they don't still have the baby helplessness. Abe spends every waking minute exploring his world and making all kinds of messes. I thought I would just share some of the naughtiness highlights from the last month or so....

Abe has an OBSESSION with grapes. If he knows they are in the house, he will not rest until they are his. This is what I found the other day when I walked into the kitchen.

I guess I cannot blame Babyham for this one. I mean, if someone wanted to hand feed me doritos while I took a buble bath
I would NOT refuse. I think its also funny that I just let my baby eat Doritos at all. With Jack, I would have died before I let anyone feed him such un-nutritious junk food. Now I just feel happy that everyone got fed and bathed.
Yet another example of my relaxing food standards....

This one I can totally blame on my dad. I try to explain to grandpa: "
Do Not Caffienate the Baby!" Anyone who knows Grandpa Haws knows how futile it is to explain rules to him.

When Jack was little he would take the phone and put it up to his ear and pretend like he was answering. Abe does this but then he stares at it intently and taps it with his thumbs.
He is texting. Amazing how things change in just a couple of years and amazing how babies pick up on EVERYTHING. If you have recently recieved unintelligible text messages from me...now you know why. I would also like to point out that his shirt is soaking wet because he just finished pouring a huge cup of water on our memory foam bed...on my side of course.

The fact that I obviously took the time to snap a picture before I plucked my baby out of the trash can might be frightening to some of you, but in fairness, I really thought that it was worth it to immortalize these
fat little baby legs.
Abe is absolutley hillarious and you are a great MOM!!!!!! Thanks for taking the time making this my favorite spot on the web!! -Love John
So cute! I love all the little naughty things 1 year olds do!
LOL! those pictures are awesome. i love how rosy his cheeks are! he is so adorable. the garbage can pic cracked me up! i agree, one year olds are the best! so far, 2 is freakin hard, thanks for the advice on the love and logic book, i need to see if i can rent it at the library, if your mom still does a class, i would totally be interested. i am SOOOOO glad the loan is approved!!!! when do you come back???? also, do you know bunko is next thursday again? just an fyi, i missed you tonight!!!!!!!
You definitely saved the best for last. That trash can picture is hilarious. What a cute baby! One is my favorite age too.
K I 'm in love with the picture of him in the trash can!! and if it makes you feel better I will give my kids any junk food they want as long as they will be good. Especially when were in public. But I agree about the whole caffine thing. The last thing you need is a baby that wont go to bed cause they're all hopped up on soda:)
OMG these pictures of Abe are just hilarious and cute. I just want to squeeze his little cheeks!! and I love the fat baby legs it's just cute.:) :)
Staci!!!!! sorry it took me so long to write back! that in no way indicates how excited i was when steve told me he had found you and then when you had left me that cute note! I am soooo glad you wrote...i've just been playing catch-up lately! But your family is adorable...those boys are so stinkin' cute! I LOVE your blog...it's so fun to read about your life - makes it seem like it hasn't been so incredibly long since we've seen you!
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! He is such a ham, he is going to love looking at those pics when he is older
I love the word "naughty"
miss ya,
Hey, I hear you're on your way back out here. I'm so excited, I've really missed you. Jillian was sad without her boyfriend! He's adorable. Hope to see you soon.
Sorry about the double comment--but I took my blog private. Someone creepy left a comment about Ryan. Send me your email address and I'll send an invite your way--mine is cfelt@q.com. xoxo
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