We got the terrible news today that our good friend Matt Bachrach was killed early this morning in a car accident while driving home from California. He and his wife Brenda are our very good friends. They have two boys ages 6 and 3 and Brenda is expecting their third boy within weeks. I went to their house as soon as I heard and spent the day with Brenda who is holding up really well but is obviously in a state of shock. Words fail me right now. I came home and hung on tightly to my husband and my boys and thanked Heavenly Father for letting me have them for another day.
Here is the link to one of the articles about the accident:http://www.azfamily.com/news/local/stories/Phoenix-local-news-090708-double-fatal-i10-ax.535067af.html
We will all miss you Matt.
Here is the link to one of the articles about the accident:http://www.azfamily.com/news/local/stories/Phoenix-local-news-090708-double-fatal-i10-ax.535067af.html
We will all miss you Matt.
i am SO sad for brenda and her kids. he was such a young guy... i cant think of anything worse than a sudden death like that, all the things you wish you wouldve said before it was too late... makes you appreciate who you have here on earth, and to not let a day go by without telling those people that you love them. my prayers are with her and her family. i am mostly sad for their boys that knew him, and sad for the one who will never have known him. well, i guess they will prbly have meet in heaven before he is born....hope so anyway.
I am so sorry Staci and John. You and the Bachrachs will be in our prayers. Please let us know if there is anything We can do.
That is so aweful:( I don't know who they are, but when I heard I started crying:( My heart goes out to that family and I want to do something, anything! Since you are friend with her, let me know what they need and if there's anything I can do! It's a good thing family's are forever, I don't know what I would do without that knowledge?!
That is so sad. I am so sorry for the pain they must be going through! My thoughts and prayers are with them.
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