I have been hearing about blogging all over the place and everytime I think..."whats the point of that"? Then I saw my Sister Stephanie's blog and my mission Comp Becca Eggleston's blog and all of a sunned I said, "I get it!" and I istantly had to have one. What a fun way to keep a family history, connect with friends and show off my beautiful boys and just cronicle our wonderful life. Heavenly Father has given me so much and I want to savor every moment of this precious time as John and I raise this family.
Our family started in September 0f 2002 when John and I met and we were married only a couple of months later on December 7 2002. Looking back at it I realize how crazy we were to rush into marriage so quickly, but 5 1/2 yeas laterI realize that it was the best decision we ever made.
Life got alot more interesting in February of 2004 when Jack joined our family. He is a strapping four year old with some serious ambition...He dreams of one day becoming a "sasquach hunter". We have pointed out to him that Sasquach hunting may not be the most rewarding of career paths but he has countered that "You only have to catch one" Good point, Jack...you win.
Abe is the newest addition to our family. He came to us just 3 months ago on January 3 2008. He is the sweetest most good natured baby in the world. His temperment is just like his brother's was. He is almost always content and he brightens our world everyday with his budding personality. Abe's interests include smiling indiscriminately, clean diapers, mom's boobs, baths in the sink, fighting unseen forces and giving dirty looks.
John is a police officer for the town of Gilbert. A job which he absolutely loves. Not only does he get to run around all day long with a bunch of buddies playing with guns and chasing bad guys, but they actually pay him to do it. Gilbert is a great department to work for and he will definitely be there for the rest of his career. He is a Firearms Instructor and a Field Training officer. He also looks pretty hot in the uniform if I do say so myself. John is a wonderful provider and an incredible husband and father. Jack is a little obsessed with his daddy (with very good reason). So from the minute John walks in the door, he has a little shadow. It can get exhausting but John has almost limitless patience with his biggest fan.
I am a stay at home mom which fulfills my life's ambition. I worked full time for the first few years of motherhood, so I appreciate every day that I get to wake up and be a full time mommy. One of the biggest perks in my life is living across the street from my big sister Kristen. We hang out all day and can share alot of tasks.... We watch each others kids so that the other can nap or grocery shop. We also share dinners most of the time and of course just talk and talk and talk. Isn't it amazing how we never run out of things to say. Of course our children give us a lot of good material.
So thats the introduction to our little life. Our home is filled with love, laughter, family, friends, firearms, chihuahuas, and hopefully the Spirit of God.