Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Peeps are ruining my life

Okay, maybe not ruining my life, but having a serious impact.
Anyone who spends a lot of time with me knows that I get weird food obsessions. They are not always as totally horrible for you. I went for about 6 months requiring about a pound of fresh asparagus per day. Sometimes they are pretty unhealthy. I recently recovered from a serious Fry's fried chicken addiction (it couldn't be KFC, or another grocery store, it had to be Fry's.) Weird right? I always wondered if there was some ingredient in these things that my body was lacking, but since my recent Peeps dependency developed, I have ruled that out, since there is admittedly no possible health benefit to eating sugar coated marshmallow chicks. I like to open the package and let them dry out for a day or two so that they have a perfect crunchiness. I know its bad when I find myself hiding them in the house because I don't want my kids to know about them. Not that I wouldn't share, but as a mother I just can't let him eat such an unhealthy item. I'm like a drug addict who tell her kids to just say no.

The other day I was at Walgreen's stocking up for the week and the lady at the checkout asked me if I wanted to try a new type of candy bar. I declined the offer explaining that I now had enough Peeps to put any healthy person into diabetic shock and I am very particular about how I get my total lack of nutrition. She said "Oh yeah! I have seen you in here before buying Peeps!" Thank you very much for the friendly customer service but I am mortified and have since vowed to get a new Peeps dealer.

Easter needs to come and go or else I need a good twelve step program. Peeps are one of those things in life that people either LOVE or HATE. I would be interested to hear everyone else's opinions about them. Where does everyone stand?


Brittney said...

HATE EM!!!!! their sugary consistancy, their marshmallow center, ewe, ewe, ewe. i never did like the peep! i didnt know this about your weird food obsessions, but one i had recently was an everything bagel(only from kokopelli bagels on power and southern, NOT store bought everything), toasted, with plain cream cheese, and tomato on top, with a tad of salt on the top of the tomato. mmmm, i could eat it for breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner!!

Staci Kramer said...

Brittney, this is hilarious because I have asked myself on multiple occasions, "who would ever buy an everything bagel?" I guess it takes all kinds! how do you feel about Cadbury eggs?

Sami said...

Oh my gosh, I HATE PEEPS!!! I do have an obsession with the reeses eggs, but have vowed to stay away from the Easter section of the store so that I don't add yet another 20 pounds, post pregnancy. Have fun with that though, and let me know if you do find the perfect 12 step program, you never know when I might cave!!! :)

Scrap Happy said...

HATE. Like in a big way. Nick's mom usually still makes sure there's a yellow package around for him every year, though... even though he detests them as well. Why? SOmething about a childhood love of the color yellow...

Stacia said...

I don't really love Peeps, and since Kelly hates them I don't buy them.

But I LOVE the caramel Cadbury eggs! And the mini crunchy shell ones too. Man, Easter candy is so tempting! Luckily I haven't gotten any yet.

Stephanie said...

Staci, maybe it's a Haws thing because I love peeps! I love marshmallows and I love sugar so how could you go wrong with a peep? And stale ones are the BEST! It's all about texture with me. I'm a texture eater.

Alexandria said...

I'm totally jumping on your stale Peeps band wagon! I've been having them for breakfast for about a week now and I'm still craving them! If you hear of a 12 step program somewhere let me know. :)

Megan said...

Hate them...

Isn't that funny how some foods are that way? You can't just like them or dislike have to hate them or love them. Just like cilantro!

I personally crave the chocolate covered marshmallow egss that come in the faux egg carton...I could totally eat a whole dozen for each meal and not complain once! Luckily Ian thinks they're nasty!!

And just like Scraphappy said above - Ian's mom always sends some to us every easter since we've been married...and I'm the same as you - I can't justify feeding them all to my kids, so they usually get all hard and then Ian will eat them just so they're not "wasted" if going straight to the gut isn't more of a waste than straight to the trash can, right??

Thanks so much for calling the other day! I just love you! :) Let me know if you're going to be down here this weekend - I'll make some time for ya!

Christy said...

Love em- stale of course.

Brittney said...

i had to come back to see the comments, lol:) too funny. as for the cadbury, not my fave either. i would rather have a snickers or a peanut m&m, those are my favorite candies. i was never a lover of the easter time candies! AND as for the milk chocolate bunny that is enormous, i hate that too. lol!

Chelsey Howard said...

I am not a peeps fan, but I am addicted to peanut butter m&m's and girl scout cookies. I never eat those infront of the kids cause I dont want to share.

Tara said...

This post cracked me up and gave me hope that I'm not alone. I DO NOT enjoy peeps. But, I do get weird food cravings that I will want for a couple of weeks and then they will change. (not as obsessed as your food issues though:) I'm glad I'm not the only one who hides food from my kids because I don't want them to eat something so unhealthy, while I'm downing it behind their backs. Ugh! Why can't I crave a pound of asparagus a day?!?

keep calm and carry on said...

that is an awesome picture! you are getting really good! i am impressed. what lenses do you have?

fyi... i am a hater of peeps. would never eat one, unless i melted it in hot chocolate or something.
however, keep me away from chocolate!!!!!!! it is a sad addiction!

Diane said...

Haha I just had to laugh. I have the same problem with doritos. You know extra spicy doritos... We don't have peeps here in France but I can totally understand you. xoxo

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